Jennifer Dahlgren » Welcome!


About Me
My name is Jennifer Dahlgren and I will be your child's 8th grade math teacher for the 2017-2018 school year! I have a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Illinois State University and a master's degree in elementary education with a math concentration from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. This will be my 18th year of teaching math and my first year at Cole Middle School. I taught 7th grade in IL for 10 years, high school in AK for one year, and 6th-8th grade in Judson ISD for 5 years. Eighth grade math has always been my favorite level to teach because of the things we get to learn and do. Teaching math has been something that I have always loved to do and I can't see myself doing anything else! I have lived in the San Antonio area for the past 5 years with my two children, Gabe and Maddie. I am really excited to be teaching at Cole!