Welcome to The Burch Perch


Welcome to Grade 6 Social Studies and World Cultures & Geography. Get ready to learn about the world its people, places, history, and present-day issues. It will be an exciting journey. In this course, you will learn about cultures and institutions throughout the world. You will study why cultures are located in certain regions and how they interact with other cultures.You will also learn how people, historical events, and environments have shaped cultures. In addition, this program examines the different types of governments, economies, and religions practiced by people throughout the world. You’ll compare and contrast how people are similar to, yet different from, each other. 
World Cultures and Geography await us. Follow our adventures on twitter https://twitter.com/burchbirdies


My Culture Web Homework Mod 6/7, 10/11, 14/15

Culture is made up of everything a group of people is and does.
After our discussion today on the elements of culture, think about what culture and community you are a part of.
Assignment: In your ISN, draw a concept web with words, pictures, and examples of the parts of your culture. TOC: 11/5 Unit 2 My Culture Web
An example of a concept web is provided below, but you may draw yours in your ISN.   

Related image
Progress Reports
Dec. 2nd
Early Dismissal
Dec 20
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Robert G. Cole Middle School

Mod Schedule


Tutorials 8:00 – 8:20