An exemplary example of the Cadet Creed.

The Cadet Creed is recited daily in class and is embedded into the hearts and minds of all of the LCDC Cadets. One line states, "I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school and the corps of cadets." There is also a line that states, "I do not lie, cheat or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds." Character and accountability is emphasized every day. We also discuss that being a leader does not necessarily mean you are out front giving orders, or possess the loudest voice or even the one in charge. You can lead by example. That is exactly what was demonstrated by one of the LCDC Cadets recently. A cadet found a wallet d in the locker room that contained over $150 dollars cash, several gifts cards to include a visa gift card and eating establishments and was turned in without show or request for a reward. The cadet is Junior Level 2 Chandler Bahnemann. This is a perfect example of what a leader does and what great character looks like. Chandler was awarded the Character Ribbon. This ribbon is awarded to cadets who demonstrates through a single act or pattern of behavior a level of character that sets the example for all others to follow. Chandler became the first LCDC cadet to earn a ribbon this year. His parents, Mr. Boehme, Dr. Clayton and his detachment were present to witness the presentation. Great job Chandler. We are very proud of you.